How many pages should a website have?

Group of people working on website template

The number of pages a website should have can vary greatly depending on the purpose of the site and the needs of its users. While there is no definitive answer, there are some factors to consider when determining how many pages a website should have. The first consideration is the purpose of the website. A […]

10 Powerful Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

White paper speech bubble with inscription website traffic

In the movie Field of Dreams, an ethereal voice tells Kevin Costner that if he builds a baseball field, people will come to it. Unfortunately, the same is not true of your website. Just because you build it doesn’t mean people will come. Having a website doesn’t guarantee that people will visit it. It’s crucial […]

8 Ways to Do Local SEO Without Building Content

Local search

If you want to win at local search engine optimisation (SEO), but you don’t want to depend on content marketing, you can do that! There are other techniques you can use to succeed. For instance, you could switch your focus towards usability and building a community. Try these strategies to attain high local rankings in […]

8 Reasons Why SEO Helps Your Business

Seo blocks

Smart business owners know how important search engine optimisation (SEO) is for their company’s websites. SEO, when done effectively, will help to increase a website’s visibility on the search engines. This means that their website will show up in the top search results when someone searches for a keyword or phrase that applies to their […]

Why is email marketing so important for your business?

Email marketing concept on wooden background 27

Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalised way and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and media have changed, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach customers easier than ever. It’s affordable In comparison to many elements […]